Tales of HeritageI I & II, 1981. 48 pp.

Éditeur: Upstairs Gallery, Toronto
ISBN: 0-91937-14-x
Illustrateur: Saul Field
"A unique blend of poetry, the print-makers art and the folktale tradition, this book itself is a work of art. [... ] Of particular interest is the introduction which deals with the place of myth in our culture." M.P., Tales of Heritage, Reviewing Librarian, X, n° 1, 1985, p. 11.
"The second volume fully lives up to the standard set by the first. Professor Bouraoui's text is as poetic, beautiful, rich in nuances and appropriate to each tale as it was in Volume 1. The choice of the legends is equally felicitous." Helje Porté, Tales of Heritage vol. II, Journal of Comparative Study of Civilizations, Toronto, n° 11, 1986, p. 82-83.
"The work as a whole allows us to measure the pulse of the collective imagination, not only of the différent ethnic groups which make up our own country, but of the "global village" of today. We get the impression throughout the book that Bouraoui's French and English poetic versions of the tales result from a true cross-fertilized dialogue with the original legends and Saul Field's beaudful prints. We grasp better what makes each cultural group "tick" as the différent layers of their mystic imagination are unfolded visually and verbally before l'S. Above all, we participate in a real feast of language as we follow the différent forms, types of verse, and narrative techniques which Bouraoui works out with the précision of ajeweller." Liliane Welch , Ut Pictura Poesis / Ut Poesis Pictura, The Fiddlehead, octobre 1982, p. 99-100.
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